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FTSE 100 bosses will have ‘earned’ the average workers’ annual pay by lunchtime today

BOSSES of the UK’s top companies will have raked in as much by 1pm today as their average workers earn in a year, researchers found.

The “Fatcat Friday” survey shows the chief executives of FTSE 100 firms are paid 133 times more than typical staff.

It takes a fatcat CEO just 29 hours of work to earn what their average worker does in a year

Their average £3.9million pay packet — more than £1,000 an hour — is 11 per cent up on a year ago.

That means the bosses, who can work 12-hour days, need only put in 29 hours of 2019 at the office to match a worker’s annual salary, two hours fewer than in 2018.

A report by the High Pay Centre think tank and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development said excessive pay and the culture of “superstar” bosses was increasingly hitting trust in business leadership.

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “We need to redesign the economy to make it fair again.”

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